EDR: Document List

Here's a few links to echelle reduction documentation and desciptions of echelle instruments:


SG/9: Introduction to Echelle Spectroscopy


SC/3: Echelle Data Reduction Cookbook
ECHOMOP HELP information
FIGARO echelle data reductions (the section `Echelle reduction' in the FIGARO manual)


Introduction to Echelle Data Reduction Using IRAF
IRAF Tutorials: Echelle Slit Reductions with DOECSLIT
IRAF Help page for "echelle"
IRAF Help page for "mkechelle"
IRAF Help page for "echspec"


MIDAS Echelle Reduction: step-by-step guide
MIDAS Echelle Spectra: general description

Other Software



UES Manual
Manchester Echelle Spectrograph
ARGUS Multiple Object Spectrograph - Information
Argus User Manual
1.5M Bench Echelle - Overview
Instruments at the OAN-SPM

Miscellaneous Related Material

NIST GUIDE - High-resolution UV and Optical Spectroscopy Facility

Multielemental ICP Spectrochemical Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Echelle Spectrometer Systems.

The program EGRAM: Echelle spectrograph design aid was part of NASA's `Cosmic collection' (!), which was at one time distributed from a centre at the University of Georgia. It's now been transferred to the cosmic collection at the `Open Channel Foundation'; however EGRAM itself appears to have been semi-orphaned, and is in that collection's set of `other projects'. An enquiry to the Open Channel folk revealed that they ``are not currently able to fulfill orders for COSMIC software from non-US customers.'' I don't know if this tells you if it's effectively available or not. In this collection, EGRAM seems to have `NASA case number gsc-13016'.

GHRS Instrument Handbook

Norman Gray
$Date: 2003/10/01 16:04:48 $

$Log: echelle_refs.html,v $
Revision 1.4  2003/10/01 16:04:48  norman
Update information about EGRAM, after contact from current holders

Revision 1.3  2003/10/01 10:20:16  norman
Added information on last known whereabouts of EGRAM (this was a
gopher link!)