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Log output

The log file is a report on ASTROM's actions and results which is easy to parse, and thus easy for another program, acting as a harness for ASTROM, to find out about ASTROM's progress.

The log file consists of a number of statements describing the fits ASTROM has performed, and its success. The statements describing each fit are bracketed in a pair of statements `FIT $\langle
n\rangle$' and `ENDFIT', for some fit number  $\langle
n\rangle$. The statements thus bracketed are in table 1.

Table 1: Log file statements
Result RESULT keyword value
Status STATUS [OK | BAD]
Residuals RESIDUAL source-number dx dy dr
Information INFO code details...
Warnings WARNING code comment
Errors ERROR code comment

The INFO, WARNING and ERROR statements share a common set of codes, and are described in Appendix D.

The RESIDUAL message reports the size of the residuals for the given source number in the input file. The residuals are reported in the x and y directions, plus $\delta r=\sqrt{\delta x^2+\delta

The STATUS message is OK if the fit succeeded, and BAD otherwise.

The RESULT statements give feedback about the results of the fit. Much of the information is also in the FITS WCS headers, if they are generated. The keywords are listed in table 2.

Table 2: Information returned in log-file RESULT statement
keyword meaning
nstars number of ref stars
xrms RMS errors in fitted x, arcsec
yrms y
rrms r
plate (mean) plate scale, arcsec
prms rrms in pixels
nterms number of terms in fit
rarad projection pole RA, radians
decrad projection pole Dec, radians
rasex projection pole RA, sexagesimal
decsex projection pole Dec, sexagesimal
wcs name of FITS WCS header file

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ASTROM Basic astrometry program
Starlink User Note 5
P. T. Wallace, Norman Gray
2nd May 2003

Copyright © 2003 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils