HDX Overview

Starlink has developed the HDX data model and implemented it in a Java data access library. The model is XML-based, layered on top of FITS and other data storage formats, and it is thus a straightforward and elegant solution to the problem of associating disparate data sets in network-usable structures. Starlink has ten years of experience with the precursor of this model, in terms of the tradeoff between flexibility and usability; this tradeoff is surprisingly close to the simple extreme, and we believe this to be a winning move for VO developments.

The data model and its XML representation are not data transport formats, but instead complement these by adding arbitrary structure to external storage (such as FITS files), by using URIs in a principled, flexible and REST-ful way, which is therefore compatible with future developments in repository/replica technology, as well as being naturally compatible with SOAP-based grid services.

We have implemented this model in an extensible, pluggable Java library, which incorporates VOTables. We are basing our current software developments on this structure.

$Revision: 1.2 $

HDX is two things:

HDX does not attempt to solve all problems. There are examples of use.

HDX as a data model

HDX is...

That is, it is data about data. The broad issue here is well known, and needs little rehearsing, but the highlights which HDX addresses are identification (`what is this data?') and structuring (`how are datasets grouped together?', `where is the variance component of this data?'). This means that we don't have to solve the transport problems, so...
...not primarily a data transport format
It is not intended for bulk carriage of bits. Instead, it is designed to allow one to overlay meaning on bit buckets, either stored separately (for example as part of the response from a query, pointing to the separate location of the image data) or alongside it (for example it is straightforward to include a fragment of HDX in one of the extensions of a FITS multi-extension file, perfectly portably, describing the meanings and interrelationships of the various extensions). That means that HDX is naturally...
...stand-off metadata
That is, it points to the data, rather than necessarily enclosing it (though as noted above, it can `point to' the data from within it!). This means that it is agnostic about how the data is actually stored, so it can refer to FITS files, HDF files, or any other type of data format, with equal ease. Also, its approach of adding meaning to distinct resources (expressed as URIs) means that it fits in with the architectural principles which underly the Web and which will underly the Grid. Because the structuring which HDX supplies is conceptually separate from the data itself, a particular bit-bucket (such as a calibration frame) can be virtually part of many data sets.
...not exclusive
Because it is stand-off, and because it sits within its own namespace, HDX can work alongside other metadata systems, or even within them, if they are expressed in XML. Thus an elaborate XML description of a resource can have added to it attributes in the HDX namespace, which immediately make it natively processable by HDX software.
HDX does not try to take over the world. From Starlink's long experience of astronomical applications we know that the right balance between sophistication and usability can be hard to find: basic structuring (data plus errors plus quality plus history) is essential, but add much more than this and it can become burdensome and errorprone for developers to understand, manage and update the structure correctly. An error component, for example, becomes worse than useless if it is not updated correctly after some operations on an image. The designed simplicity and orthogonality of HDX mean that there is a low buy-in cost for using it. Of course, the simplicity of HDX means that there is a need for it to be...
HDX is naturally extensible because it is designed around XML. But more than this, the data access package can have new HDX types added to it dynamically.
...not just XML
Although HDX is described here using XML, it is in fact more general than this, and has been designed so that a future expression of it in RDF, for example, would be straightforward. The resource/properties approach underlying RDF has in fact been influential on the HDX design.

HDX functions as a coordination layer, tying together otherwise distinct metadata. We can visualise a hierarchy of metadata as follows:

Layers of HDX
        metadata: data, then per-bitbucket metadata, then coordination

In the bottom layer are the bitbuckets containing the data, and above that are various structures describing that data. We can detach that metadata from the data it describes (conceptually, if not literally), with the result that (a) it becomes natural to associate a particular piece of metadata with several different bitbuckets by the same mechanism through which we associate the image and corresponding variance, say, and (b) the different types of metadata then become naturally independent of each other, and can be specified and evolved at different rates. Since in this scheme each chunk of metadata conceptualy refers to a single bitbucket (for example, WCS information specifies how a single pixel grid maps to the sky, even if that WCS information is separately associated with two distinct bitbuckets), the metadata standards are relieved of the need to express and maintain coordination information. That information is supplied by the higher layer in the diagram, HDX, which associates data objects with each other and with the metadata which describes them. Factoring out the coordination information in this way makes the metadata simpler, and leaves the coordination metadata having to solve a rather simple problem; as a result, the HDX model and syntax are not complicated.

Although HDX as such is only a framework for tying together data descriptions, with code support for creating new types, there are some structures which are already defined as part of it. We describe two such in the sections below.


The most developed substructure presently defined within HDX is NDX, describing images. This builds directly on a data model, NDF, that Starlink has used heavily over the last decade, finding it to be very close to the optimum trade-off between sophistication and usability. That this model is in some respects simpler than one might expect, is simpler than NDF's prototype versions, and is simpler than some current proposals for metadata structures, we believe vindicates the drive for simplicity that has informed the HDX design.

An NDX looks like the following:

        <image uri="file:/tmp/mydata.fits"/>
        <variance uri="file:/tmp/mydata-var.fits"/>
        <quality uri="http://telescope.edu/instrument/bad-pixels.fits"/>
      <wcs tbd="true"/>

It contains an <image>, plus optionally <variance> and <quality> (representing data errors and bad data respectively), plus optional <history>, plus other structures present in the NDF design, not yet fully translated into XML terms. Each of these refers to the actual data through a uri attribute pointing to, most typically, a FITS file.

There is Java library support for sophisticated operations on the data thus expressed.


The table module within HDX is under active development, but, consistent with the rest of HDX, it is likely to remain rather simple. This work will integrate with VOTables as much as possible, and one of the functions of the VOTable support within the Tables module is to present VOTables, among others, in this simpler model.


There is no DTD or Schema definition of HDX, or its component modules. If there were a DTD definition of HDX, it would be


...so there doesn't seem a great deal of point. The point of HDX does not lie in its intricacy, but in the power of the approaches the mere existence of the bag makes possible.

There are no predefined schemas for the modules of HDX such as NDX and Tables. When code registers new types with the HDX system (such as NDX), it also registers validators, and it is this validating code which is responsible for deciding whether a given XML structure is valid or not. As part of that module's documentation, it may publish a specification of what it will accept as valid, but this is not required.

There is little point in demanding strict XML validity, since it is not necessarily the case that a particular HDX structure will ever see an XML parser. Although the description here is expressed in terms of XML, a data set could be instantiated from a .sdf file, manipulated using a DOM, serialised as a Java object, and written to a structured FITS file, without ever seeing an angle-bracket once.

HDX as a data access layer

See the current javadocs for the project as a whole.

The ideas of `HDX-as-a-data-model' described above is spartan, but provides the set of concepts on which we build the HDX Data Access Layer. Although the notional HDX DTD, above, is trivial, the Java packages which support it can naturally provide a good deal of infrastructure.

Data is structured using XML concepts, and can be generally manipulated as XML when this is appropriate (for example within a generic data editor, or in archiving contexts), but for processing, this would be horrendously inefficient, and so the data access classes present alternative Java interfaces to the objects they manage, which are designed for computational efficiency.

The HDX package (uk.ac.starlink.hdx) at present provides:

It has hooks, but not yet code, for:

The NDX and NDArray packages (uk.ac.starlink.ndx and uk.ac.starlink.array) provide classes for manipulating N-dimensional arrays in an efficient and general fashion. They provide a consistent interface which can cope with large arrays, pixel errors, simple or sophisticated pixel quality marking, world coordinate systems, varying pixel ordering schemes, processing history and extensible metadata storage. At the applications level, code does not need to be aware of the format (FITS, HDS, ...) in which the data is stored.

The project has so far concentrated on expressing its work robustly in code, and is building a solid foundation, upon which it can elaborate its ideas in carefully enhanced metadata expressing various roles for included data structures.

Problems HDX does not attempt to solve

A few words are in order about the simplicity aspect of HDX: it is simple because it identifies a particular problem, and solves it cleanly; and it does not attempt to address problems where an adequate solution already exists.

HDX does not attempt to be a data transport or data description system, since formats like FITS manage that perfectly well. Where FITS struggles is in trying to describe interrelationships between data, or in attempting to describe highly structured metadata: the length of time it is taking to standardise FITS WCS information indicates that FITS headers may not be the ideal language to describe the solution.

The WCS problem also illustrates that certain aspects of particular files' metadata are highly structured, and that that structure is highly specific to the particular metadata in question -- `where are these particular pixels pointing?', `what application processed this last?'. This suggests that a `one spec fits all' approach is doomed to protracted birth pangs, since any spec comprehensive enough to be useful, is complicated enough to be contentious. That is, one-size-fits-all will never be finalised: if different parts of a spec address different problems, the fact that they are artificially yoked together means that it could be dificult to evolve those parts at different rates.

Instead, we suggest a componentised approach, with standards for metadata addressing WCS and provenance information, say, developed largely separately, and tied together in any particular instance by the larger-scale coordination of HDX. There is ongoing work on expressing WCS information in XML (including work from Starlink describing our very successful AST system), and there are groups developing provenance descriptions. Neither of these examples need be built into HDX directly. HDX is able to be simple, because it deals, cleanly and straightforwardly, with a particular layer of the architectural problem.


An example of a basic HDX object, expressed as XML, is:

        <image uri="file:/tmp/mydata.fits"/>
        <variance uri="file:/tmp/mydata-var.fits"/>
        <quality uri="http://telescope.edu/instrument/bad-pixels.fits"/>

This associates the content of the /tmp/mydata-var.fits file as the variance component of the image in /tmp/mydata.fits. It is straightforward (and obviously preferable), but not yet standardised, to refer to individual FITS extensions in a URI, and thus to keep the image and variance together in a single FITS file.

XML Namespacing can be used to include HDX information within `foreign' XML:

    <foreign xmlns:x="http://www.starlink.ac.uk/HDX">
          <x:image uri="file:/tmp/mydata.fits"/>

or even:

      <mypointer x:name="ndx" xmlns:x="http://www.starlink.ac.uk/HDX">

which the HDX system will read, and present to its caller in the canonical form:

        <image uri="mydata.fits"/>

Any changes made to this virtual XML structure may optionally be automatically shadowed in the original XML.

$Date: 2003/05/19 19:05:24 $