Scottish Solar System

Astronomy Projects for Schools

In 2009 astronomers across the UK supported a variety of projects for schools, many of which are ongoing.

For example the Society for Popular Astronomy, in collaboration with the Royal Astronomical Society and the Science and Technology Facilities Council, has launched the Telescopes for Schools project.

This initiative has placed a 70mm refractor telescope to about 1000 UK secondary schools, including more than 100 in Scotland, to help inspire young people with the wonders of the night sky.

From Autumn 2009: support for autumn schools projects on the Moon and Jupiter

"Science Fair" projects for Primary Schools

As part of the Scottish Solar System, Glasgow University astronomers have run a series of science projects for primary schools, in collaboration with the Scottish Network for Able Pupils.

From Shetland to the Scottish Borders, pupils are investigating 'Moon hoax' conspiracy theories, and the search for Life on other planets. Participating groups carry out their own research, assisted by their teacher and Glasgow University astronomers, and at the end of the project the groups present their work at a Science Fair.

We have also developed Moonwatch projects linking primary and secondary schools in Scotland and Western Australia.

To find out more about schools astronomy projects, please contact us.