(Franco-British Alliance programme)

April 9-10,2019 Paris, Observatory, France

Tuesday 9 April  (salle Danjon- Paris Observatory)
10h30 Arrival and Coffee
11h00 Welcome (Milan or Nicole)
11h05-11h50 Scattering of type III bursts (Vratislav Krupar)
11h50- 12h35 Solar Wind density turbulence using low frequency angular broadening observations (Kantepali Sasikumar Raja)
12h35-13h20 Radio wave scattering in the corona (theory and observations) (Eduard Kontar)
14h15-15h00 The effect of scattering on split-band type II radio bursts (Nicolina Chrysaphi)
15h00-15h45 Loss cone instability due to a MHD sausage mode oscillation in the solar corona (Eoin Carley)
15h45-16h15 Coffee
16h15-17h00 Bow shock motion (Oksana Kruparova)
17h00-17h45 Parker Solar Probe First Results (Milan Maksimovic)
Free Time
Dinner (19h30-20h00)??

 Wednesday 10 April (room 601, Building A)
09h00 Coffee
09h30-10h15 X-ray and radio diagnostics of energetic electrons: are there trends between radio fluxes and the spectral characteristics of the HXR emitting electrons? (Nicole Vilmer)
10h15-11h00 Frequency-Distance structure of solar sources observed by LOFAR (Mykola Gordovskyy)
11h00-11h 15 Coffee Break
11h15-12h00 Polytropic laws and proton temperature profile in the solar wind (Arnaud Zaslavsky)
12h00-12h45 Electron beam speeds and spatial expansions in the solar corona: simulations and LOFAR observations (Hamish Reid)
13h45-14h30  Statistical approach to submillimeter radio emission from solar flares (Galina Motorina)
14h30-15h15 3D model for flare-accelerated particles (Sophie Masson)
15h15-16h30 Particle acceleration in a weak flare. (Rohit Sharma)
16h30-16h45 Final discussion
16h45….Informal Celebration of the 10th Alliance Meeting