Cormack Meeting Schedule

09.00:  Building open for placement of posters

09.30:  Reception, coffee, poster session

09.55:  Welcome
10.00:  Session One                  Chair: John Peacock  
10.00:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)    Ross Galloway (Glasgow A&A)  
        "Fast electron slowing-down and diffusion in a high-temperature source" 
10.20:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Niall Deacon (Edinburgh, IfA)      
        "Meeting the neighbours" 
10.40:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Mark Toner (Glasgow A&A)   
        "Unravelling fast protons and α particles in solar flares" 
11.00:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Paul Clark (St Andrews, Physics & Astronomy)
        "The nature of fragmentation in a turbulent environment" 
11.20:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Shoaib Afridi (Glasgow Caledonian, Mathematics)
        "The Caledonian symmetrical 5-body problem (CS5BP) for planetary systems and stellar clusters" 
11.40:  Presentation of 2003 Cormack prizes by Professor John Brown  
11.45:  Cormack vacation prizewinner (20 mins)   Isla Simpson (St Andrews, Physics & Astronomy)    
        "Accretion onto stellar magnetospheres" 
12.05:  Cormack postgraduate prizewinner (30 mins)   Ben Panter (Edinburgh, IfA)    
        "Cosmic star formation rate from the SDSS" 
12.35:  Sandwich lunch; poster session

13.45:  Session Two                  Chair: John Brown 
13.50:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)    Stephen Brindley (SETPoint West)
        "STAR WOS (Schools Travelling Astronomy Roadshow West of Scotland)" 
14.10:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Scott Gregory (St Andrews Physics and Astronomy)    
        "Accretion channeling in classical T Tauri stars" 
14.30:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Tom McIvor (St Andrews Physics & Astronomy) 
        "Zeeman Doppler imaging of LQ Hya" 
14.50:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Kirsty Selway (Glasgow A&A) 
        "Modelling the polarimetric signatures of extra-solar planets during microlensing events"            
15.10:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Marek Kukula (Edinburgh IfA)
        "Quasars, black holes and the evolution of massive galaxies"
15.30:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Matthew Pitkin (Glasgow IGR)        
        "Searching for gravitational waves from known binary pulsars" 
15.50:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Eric Tittley (Edinburgh IfA)   
        "Cluster oscillations and cold fronts"  
16.10:  Contributed Talk (20 mins)   Karina Caputi (Edinburgh IfA)
        "A deeper view of extremely red galaxies" 
16.30:  Cream Tea
17.00:  Royal Society of Edinburgh Open Presentation:
        The Robert Cormack Bequest Lecture  
        Professor Sir Michael Berry FRS (Bristol University)
        "Focussing the sky"

All talk times include 5 mins for questions/discussion