Date on the PC 04/04/24
Time on the PC 19:47

Station Name Observatory
Station City Glasgow
Station State UK
Station Elevation 164 ft
Station Latitude 55° 54' 00" N
Station Longitude 4° 18' 00" W

Date on the Station 04/04/24
Time on the Station 19:43

Sunrise time 6:36
Sunset time 20:02

Inside temperature 11.7 °C
High inside Temperature 13.9 °C at 13:39
Low inside Temperature 7.9 °C at 7:50
High monthly inside Temp 13.9 °C
Low monthly inside Temp 7.9 °C
High yearly inside Temp 17.8 °C
Low yearly inside Temp -1.5 °C

Outside Temperature 7.1 °C
High outside Temperature 10.0 °C at 12:44
Low outside Temperature 4.2 °C at 7:33
High monthly outside Temp 10.0 °C
Low monthly outside Temp 4.2 °C
High yearly outside Temp 15.3 °C
Low yearly outside Temp -6.5 °C

Inside humidity 56 %
High inside humidity 71 % at 0:00
Low inside humidity 54 % at 13:53
High monthly inside humidity 74 %
Low monthly inside humidity 54 %
High yearly inside humidity 87 %
Low yearly inside humidity 48 %

Outside humidity 75 %
High humidity 90 % at 0:00
Low humidity 66 % at 13:21
High monthly humidity 94 %
Low monthly humidity 66 %
High yearly humidity 100 %
Low yearly humidity 51 %

Barometer 1001.8 mb
Barometer Trend Steady
High barometer 1002.5 mb at 16:34
Low barometer 999.0 mb at 3:30
Low monthly barometer 995.3 mb
High monthly barometer 1002.5 mb
Low yearly barometer 964.9 mb
High yearly barometer 1043.8 mb

Wind speed 0.0 mph
10 minute average wind speed 1.0 mph
High wind speed 11.0 mph at 10:59
High monthly wind speed 17.0 mph
High yearly wind speed 52.0 mph

Wind direction in degrees 42
Wind direction sector NE

Wind chill 7.1 °C
Low wind chill 4.4 °C at 6:48
Low monthly wind chill 4.4 °C
Low yearly wind chill -6.7 °C

Total rain 0.0 mm
Daily rain 0.0 mm
Monthly rain 0.0 mm
Storm rain 0.0 mm

Rain rate 0.0 mm/hr
High rain rate 0.0 mm/hr at ----
High rain rate hour 0.0 mm/hr
High monthly rain rate 0.0 mm/hr
High yearly rain rate 0.0 mm/hr

Daily et --- mm
Monthly et --- mm
Yearly et --- mm

Solar radiation --- W/m²
High solar rad --- W/m² at ---
High monthly solar rad --- W/m²
High yearly solar rad --- W/m²

Uv --- index
High uv --- index at ---
High monthly uv --- index
High yearly uv --- index

Outside dew point 2.9 °C
High dew point 5.6 °C at 11:20
Low dew point 2.2 °C at 7:29
High monthly dew point 7.8 °C
Low monthly dew point 2.2 °C
High yearly dew point 12.2 °C
Low yearly dew point -7.8 °C

Inside dew point 3.2 °C

Outside heat index 6.8 °C
High heat index 10.0 °C at 11:20
High monthly heat index 10.0 °C
High yearly heat index 15.0 °C

High thsw index --- °C at ---
High monthly thsw index --- °C
High yearly thsw index --- °C

Inside heat index 10.9 °C

Temperature 2 --- °C
Hi Temp 2 ---°C at ---
Low Temp 2 ---°C at ---

Humidity 2 --- %
Hi Hum 2 --- % at ---
Low Hum 2 --- % at ---

Soil Moisture 1 --- cb
Hi Soil M 1 --- cb at ---
Low Soil M 1 --- cb at ---

Soil Temperature --- °C
Hi Soil Temp 1 --- °C at ---
Low Soil Temp 1 --- °C at ---

Leaf Wetness 1 ---
Hi Leaf Wetness 1 --- at ---
Low Leaf Wetness 1 --- at ---

Leaf Temperature 1 --- °C
Hi Leaf Temp 1 --- °C at ---
Low Leaf Temp 1 --- °C at ---