Possible Detection of Subsecond-period Propagating Magnetohydrodynamics Waves in Post-reconnection Magnetic Loops during a Two-ribbon Solar Flare

Yu, Sijie and Bin Chen, Possible Detection of Subsecond-period Propagating Magnetohydrodynamics Waves in Post-reconnection Magnetic Loops during a Two-ribbon Solar Flare, ApJ, 872, 71 (2019) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

This cartoon describes how MHD wave transport may contribute to footpoint heating. The left panel here is the relevant one, and nicely shows the observer's viewpoint as a radio dish, rather than an eyeball. This panel also shows trapped electrons in the closed loops. The right panel shows how this might fit into the CSHKP model.

Date: 2021 May 10