Solar Fast-drifting Radio Bursts in an X1.3 Flare on 2014 April 25

Tan, Baolin, Naihwa Chen, Ya-Hui Yang, Chengming Tan, Satoshi Masuda, Xingyao Chen, and H. Misawa, Solar Fast-drifting Radio Bursts in an X1.3 Flare on 2014 April 25, ApJ, 885, 90 (2019) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A description of how reverse-slope type III bursts suggest symmetry of particle acceleration at the standard 2D flare reconnection point. An earlier Aschwanden-Benz cartoon also illustrates this possibility, but without the ingenious suggestion here of interaction with overlying fields to produce the spike events. A critic might question this latter idea on the grounds that the spike bursts are prominent at dM wavelengths,hence lower in the corona than the type III sources at longer wavelengths. A further criticism of many cartoons like this, of course, is the lack of open magnetic fields linking the flare reconnection point to the rest of the Universe - as implied by the heliospheric propagation of the exciter electron streams. One exception in the Archive here is possibly in the Janvier cartoon of the "standard model in 3D".

Date: 2022 March 07