Quasi-periodic Particle Acceleration in a Solar Flare

Clarke, Brendan P., Laura A. Hayes, Peter T. Gallagher, Shane A. Maloney, and Eoin P. Carley, Quasi-periodic Particle Acceleration in a Solar Flare, ApJ, 910, 123 (2021) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A further embellishment of the realization that an additional reconnection process would be needed if one wished to link flare-accelerated particles with SEPs. There are MHD models with comparably good color schemes. The innovation here is to associate the external reconnection with one of the many forms that large-scale pulsations (QPP) that could occur during the dynamical evolution of the flare structures.

      The interesting aspect of the event (SOL2015-11-04, M3.7) inspiring this cartoon was its clear linkage, in the time-series sense, between QPPs at flare footpoints and type II bursts seen in the outer corona/solar wind.

Date: 2021 June 14