Can Subphotospheric Magnetic Reconnection Change the Elemental Composition in the Solar Corona?

Baker, Deborah, Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, David H. Brooks, Pascal Démoulin, Gherardo Valori, David M. Long, J. Martin Laming, Andy S. H. To, and Alexander W. James, Can Subphotospheric Magnetic Reconnection Change the Elemental Composition in the Solar Corona?, ApJ, 894, 35 (2020) (ADS)

The cartoon

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An astonishing appeal to subphotospheric magnetic reconnection, important because it invokes this in the context of diagnostics of elemental abundance segregation, specifically in a sunspot light bridge. Who would have suspected a connection of all these dots? And more... This indeed is the first contribution to the Archive describing the first-ionization-potential (FIP) effect, and even its inverse (I-FIP) in which the segregation behaves anomalously. This is linked to flare ribbons that happen to cross a sunspot umbra.

Date: 2020 May 13